We often think that the greatest coaches in the history of sport are the smartest, most demanding, and are winners. I would agree with you. These coaches are often recognized for their consistent success. They are studied and often have books written about them. They do things that most coaches aspire to do and we are consistently looking to them for the secret sauce to help our teams achieve maximum excellence.
What if there was another way...
Why do you coach? Have you ever asked yourself why am I putting in all this time and energy for little pay and small rewards? My transformational purpose statement (TPS) is "to transform the hearts of coaches and student-athletes to lead with LOVE and JOY in their continuous pursuit of excellence." What is yours? What do you tell yourself every time you walk on to the field or court?
When we study the life of Jesus we see three elements in his coaching style that not only lead to transforming the hearts of his 12 man team, but ultimately transforming the hearts of the entire world.
How well do you listen as a coach? Are you the coach that always has to have something to say? Always piping in and not giving others an opportunity to speak? I have been around these coaches. It's often as if they feel like if they don't speak, people will question their intelligence and knowledge of the game. The uncomfortableness of silence forces them to speak when the situation or moment is requiring them to listen.
"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." (James 1:19 NIV).
The best coaches I have been around take time to listen. In a world that is full of consistent distraction and noise, this can be difficult for us coaches, especially when we have so much on our plate and so little time to get it done. Let's be quick to listen. Your coaches, your players, your spouse, your kids, they are starving for you to lend one of your two ears and shut your one mouth.
In the world of football there is a form of hierarchy that has been created. Unless you have been a graduate assistant, you really don't know what it means to serve (so they say). The frustrating part about this philosophy is once coaches leave the G.A. title and move into a position coach, coordinator and head coach, they forget what it means to serve and start looking for others to serve them.
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." (1 Peter 4:10 NIV)
You have been given a gift. That gift is wearing the title of "Coach". No matter your subtitle or status within your organization, the greatest coaches use their gift to serve others. Be a coach that serves!
Lastly, the greatest way to coach is through love. It's not always accepted in the world of football. Often viewed as being too soft. But why are we afraid to love? I'm not talking about romantic love. I am talking about the love that is willing to lay down one's life for another. Are you worried about letting others in? Are you worried about the perception that it will give? Are you worried about losing your "masculinity"?
"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love" (1 John 4:9 NIV)
How can you call yourself a Christian coach and not love? Jesus is the epitome of love. He laid down his life for you and I by going to the cross. My prayer is that I see others through the love filled eyes of Jesus. Are you going to be just another coach who keeps their players at an arms length distance, or are you going to be a coach that shows up daily breathing and living out the love of Christ?
Coach, if you want to change the game, let's start with these three character traits. I challenge you to become a better listener. I challenge you to forget about your title and look for ways to serve those around you. Do you enter the room and spread the aroma of Christ? Lastly, be a coach that embodies love. We need more of you. It's not too late to start now.
"Father, thank you for blessing me with the title of coach. I pray that we use our platform to cultivate and transform the hearts of those we come into contact with. Give me the wisdom to know when to silence my speech and increase the volume in my listening. Give me the strength to get my hands dirty and go where it may be uncomfortable, but look for ways to serve like you would serve. Give me the courage to love courageously and unconditionally. Amen"
Spencer Crace
FCA Football