Well here we are...the final weekend of 2022. Most people look back and reflect on the year. Some of you may be making Instagram stories of your top photos, some of you may reflect back on your journal entries, one thing I have done is go back and look at my calendar from January through December. It has helped me remember some of the small coffee meetings that weren't meant to be big deals, but turned into amazing fellowship. It has also made me reevaluate where I am spending my time. Whatever your process is, I encourage you to spend this weekend reflecting on this past year. Spend time giving thanks. Give thanks for the hard times as well because we know that the testing of our faith will develop perseverance (James 1:2-3).
One exercise I have been doing the past few years has been selecting my "One Word" for the new year. I see this exercise as a way to narrow in and focus on a word that I want to live by. A word that will help me shape what I want out of the year. For 2023 I chose the word "Build".
I will build the foundation for my family to stand firm and confident on. A foundation that will not only impact my children, but the multiple generations that will follow. By building a firm foundation that is centered in Christ, I commit to putting the bricks in place to prepare for a future of abundance and joy. I will build my body to be a temple for God. To do the things God has called me to do, I must build my body to withstand the blows, to stand firm in the midst of the storm, but to know that even builders take time to rest and my body needs rest so I can continue to be at my best. I commit to building up a generation of coaches that are transformational. Coaches that coach out of love and not fear. I commit to building a generation of young men who know what it means to be a REAL man and live in a way that is different. We need more young men bold enough to be different. When you enter the room do people see Jesus in you?
"Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing" ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:11
I commit to building up those around me. Building up hope and joy. Building better relationships and not just acquaintances.
"Nevertheless, you are not the one to build the temple, but your son, your own flesh and blood - he is the one who will build the temple for my name." ~ 1 Kings 8:19
In the midst of building what God has called me to build, I commit to to building the legacy for the generations that will one day follow me. My kids (Bear, Hayden, and Ridger) - will they be the ones that will build up God's Kingdom? If I can plant the seed that leads to my kids building the temple in the name of Jesus, then joy will fill my heart.
"Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that build your house" ~ Prov. 24:27
The time is now! Get everything in order. Prepare the fields for harvest. Lay the foundation and go build your house. My house is a house where all are welcome, all feel loved, and all will experience the grace and peace of Jesus.
May the year 2023 be a sensational year for you and yours,
Coach Spencer Crace
FCA Football