"People fail to achieve master not because they aren't talented, but because they aren't disciplined." ~ Daniel Pink
As we approach the end of 2022 I reflect back on the year. I remember the moments that shaped me into the man I am continuing to become. I reflect on the relationships and the Chronos and Kairos moments. But what I am most proud of in this past year was the discipline to continue to grow and get better. In all honesty it wasn't easy. Being a young dad of 3 kids under the age of 7, coaching college football, doing ministry around the PNW, there were days and times where I didn't feel as if I was moving the needle at all. Then all of sudden you feel as if your stuck, you stopped growing, and your goals and dreams for the year have suddenly been put on hold. Usually it's due to some event or set-back, but every time I felt knocked down this year I rejoiced knowing that God had something great coming my way.
"We can rejoice too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation." ~ Romans 5:3-4
When we throw out the word "discipline" what comes to mind?
For me what comes to mind is another word..."consistency."
How am I consistently showing up and disciplining my body, mind and heart to grow in the direction toward which Christ is leading me? We can wake up one day and be extremely disciplined when it comes to our diet, workout routine, reading, writing, tasks for the day, etc. Unfortunately one day won't drastically move the needle. It's a win, but it's not a winning streak. As I enter into 2023 I want to put together a winning streak that continues to put my life on the trajectory toward mastery. I want to win each day knowing that I received applause from nail scarred hands.
"The Lord says, I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." ~ Psalm 32:8
In 2022 my one word for the year was "Kokoro". Kokoro has Japanese origin and means to merge one's heart and mind in action...Kokoro can also be described as positive willpower, a non-quitting spirit, and is associated with your spiritual development. (Mark Divine).
Each year isn't going to be all sunshine and rainbows. Author Donald Miller will say that in order become a Hero, we must overcome some sort of challenge in our life. If we merge our hearts and mind into action, never giving up, digging deep inside ourselves to discover the willpower to keep going, but most importantly keeping the faith and our eyes fixated on Jesus...we put together a winning streak that will be talked about in Heaven for the rest of eternity.
"God's story has a beginning and an end that never ends, and if you're God's child, his story is now your biography." ~ Paul David Trip
Jesus, thank you for this year! Thank you for blessing me with another son in 2022. Thank you for the trials and all the smiles. Through it all we praise you. You continue to work on my heart and guide me down the path of mastery. I pray for discipline and a positive willpower to continue to propel me closer toward the plan you have for my life. I pray that each day continues to stack wins on a winning streak that will ultimately receive applause from nail scarred hands. Amen!"
~ Spencer Crace
FCA Football